Tag: recovery

1 Veganuary 2023 and eating disorder recovery

Veganuary 2023 and eating disorder recovery

The Veganuary is a global campaign by an organization of the same name, which wants to encourage people worldwide to try a vegan diet in the first month of the year. The trend is particularly widespread on social media and is putting pressure on non-vegans to go completely vegan for […]

Add a heading dealing with a relapse in ED recovery (Q&A pt.1)

dealing with a relapse in ED recovery (Q&A pt.1)

Eating disorder recovery often feels like the tide. It comes and goes, you take one step forward and it feels like you take three steps back. The recovery journey is certainly not linear – and that’s okay, too. Relapse in ED recovery (both big and small ones) seem to be […]

challenging fear foods

4 tips for challenging fear foods

Fear foods are foods that you may feel afraid, anxious, or uncomfortable eating. The fear of a food may come from irrational thoughts about how it impacts your body or weight. People that are affected by eating disorders often feel guilty, ashamed or even disgusted by themselves for having these certain foods, so they try to avoid these foods on all costs.