Tag: anorexia

recovery habits

5 eating disorder recovery habits to start right now

What recovering from an eating disorder looks like? Well… It’s not always the pretty picture that you hoped for. Like… I wish I could tell you right now, right here, that it was all sunshine and rainbows, puppies and ice-cream-whenever-you-feel-like-it, but that would be a terrible misrepresentation. Recovering from an […]

challenging fear foods

4 tips for challenging fear foods

Fear foods are foods that you may feel afraid, anxious, or uncomfortable eating. The fear of a food may come from irrational thoughts about how it impacts your body or weight. People that are affected by eating disorders often feel guilty, ashamed or even disgusted by themselves for having these certain foods, so they try to avoid these foods on all costs.

body checking 1 Body checking

Body checking

Body checking is referred to an obsessive thought and/or behaviours about appearance in eating disorders. Body checking is part of the picture of eating disorders – especially anorexia and bulimia, but if you are not engaging in any of the following behaviours, I want you to know, that your eating […]

page 1 Extreme hunger explained

Extreme hunger explained

Extreme hunger can be found as very upsetting and disturbing in eating disorder recovery. But it actually is just a natural response to a period of famine. It means your body is healing – which is why I prefer to talk about a healing hunger. Learn, what it feels like, where it comes from and how to heal it.

Instagram Post 1080x1080 All food is good food

All food is good food

Labeling food as good or bad is usually justified on the basis of the nutritional quality of a certain food. It might seem quite reasonablee at first glance, but let’s have a second look on this approach: – all foods have nutritional value (yes, even sugar and fats! Sugar are […]