Tag: doriexplaines

1 2 digestive issues in eating disorder recovery (Q&A pt. 5)

digestive issues in eating disorder recovery (Q&A pt. 5)

Today we will talk about digestive issues in eating disorder recovery. Oftentimes, people who have previously consumed only a very limited range of foods experience digestive issues as as they start to reintroduce the restricted foods back into their diet. Don’t worry – in the vast majority of cases the […]

Wassereinlagerungen in der Recovery | edema in eating disorder recovery

edema in recovery from a restrictive ED (Q&A pt. 3)

There are some symptoms and side effects that come with recovery that aren’t talked about enough – because they’re kind of uncomfortable. And one of those symptoms is water retention. Edema in recovery is the norm rather than the exception, and it doesn’t necessarily make weight gain any easier to […]

Add a heading dealing with a relapse in ED recovery (Q&A pt.1)

dealing with a relapse in ED recovery (Q&A pt.1)

Eating disorder recovery often feels like the tide. It comes and goes, you take one step forward and it feels like you take three steps back. The recovery journey is certainly not linear – and that’s okay, too. Relapse in ED recovery (both big and small ones) seem to be […]

deine Wirklichkeit ist nicht die Realität | your reality is not THE reality

Why your reality is not THE reality

What you perceive as reality, the way you perceive your body, others, and your environment is not reality at all. It is now neuroscientifically proven that you and I always dream. Not only at night – also right now at this moment. You may be awake, but you only see […]