What recovering from an eating disorder looks like? Well… It’s not always the pretty picture that you hoped for. Like… I wish I could tell you right now, right here, that it was all sunshine and rainbows, puppies and ice-cream-whenever-you-feel-like-it, but that would be a terrible misrepresentation. Recovering from an […]
Tag: eating disorder recovery
4 tips for challenging fear foods
Fear foods are foods that you may feel afraid, anxious, or uncomfortable eating. The fear of a food may come from irrational thoughts about how it impacts your body or weight. People that are affected by eating disorders often feel guilty, ashamed or even disgusted by themselves for having these certain foods, so they try to avoid these foods on all costs.
Bulimia nervosa – it´s not a choice
Bulimia nervosa – often also described as a binge-purge-disorder – is in many ways similar to anorexia. People often think that bulimia nervosa is about vomiting the food in order to stay thin and not gain any weight. But that´s not all about it. Suffering from bulimia nervosa is not […]
How to quit counting calories for good
Don´t you miss the times when a banana was just a banana and not 120kcals? Whatever people are telling you – it is possible to see food as what it is again. Learn here how to quit counting calories for good.
Feeling Gassy and bloated all the time?
Feeling gassy and bloated after a meal or even throughout the day is super uncomfortable and can literally ruin any trip. However being bloated whilst coming from an restrictive eating disorder is normal. Let´s talk bout it all.
Body checking
Body checking is referred to an obsessive thought and/or behaviours about appearance in eating disorders. Body checking is part of the picture of eating disorders – especially anorexia and bulimia, but if you are not engaging in any of the following behaviours, I want you to know, that your eating […]
Do you feel trapped in the binge purge cycle?
Bingeing is not only a symptom of binge eating. Binge episodes can also occur in anorexia and especially in bulimia. Here I am going to explain why this happens and how understanding the binge purge cycle can help you to break out of it.
set point weight theory – why gaining weight made me feel the best
Why is it, that even when we all ate and worked about the same, we would still not look the same – and especially feel the same? Why do some people gain more weight in recovery than others? And how much of our weight management is actually in our control?